» Quick Introduction to Python » 1. Basics » 1.1 Hello World

Who This Tutorial Is For

This tutorial assumes that you've written code in another programming lanauage but doesn't know much about Python yet. If you're completely new to the programming, you would be better served by reading a book that provides detailed beginner materials.

Hello World

Hello World is a classic program that most new programmers start with. It is to print Hello World! to the output.

print("Hello World!")

For example, the above program gets the message printed to the output.

print() is a built-in function of Python interpreter. It prints objects to a writable object, if it's not specified, sys.stdout will be used.

Try to click the ▶ Run button to see the output in the right.

Code Challenge

Try to modify the code provided in the editor to make it print Hello, Python!.

If Hello, Python! did print, congratulations! You've offically written a Python program.

> code result goes here