» Quick Introduction to Go » 1. Basics » 1.4 Strings


A Go string is a read-only slice of bytes. The language and the standard library treat strings specially - as containers of text encoded in UTF-8, which allows it to represent a wide range of characters from different languages.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Declaring and initializing a string
    // with English letters and Chinese Characters
    str := "Hello, 世界"

    // Printing the string
    fmt.Println("String:", str)
    // => String: Hello, 世界

    // Accessing individual bytes in a string
    char := str[0] // This gives the byte value, not the character
    fmt.Printf("Byte Value: %c\n", char)
    // => Byte Value: H

    // String length
    length := len(str)
    fmt.Println("String Length:", length)
    // => String Length: 13
    // 7(Hello, ) + 6(世界) = 13


In other languages, strings are made of “characters”. In Go, the concept of a character is called a rune. It is an alias for int32. Runes are used to represent individual characters in a string, allowing you to work with Unicode characters more easily.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Declaring and initializing a rune
    var r rune = '世'
    fmt.Printf("Rune: %c\n", r)
    // => Rune: 世

    str := "Hello, 世界"
    // Calculate the length of the string in runes
    runeCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(str)
    // 7(Hello, ) + 2(世界) = 9

    fmt.Printf("String: %s, in bytes: %d, in runes: %d", str, len(str), runeCount)
    // => String: Hello, 世界, in bytes: 13, in runes: 9


The fmt package provides a variety of functions for formatting strings, similar to the printf family of functions in C.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    name := "John"
    age := 30

    // Basic string formatting
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s, Age: %d\n", name, age)

    // Width and Precision
    value := 123.456789

    fmt.Printf("Default: %f\n", value)
    fmt.Printf("Width 8: %8f\n", value)
    fmt.Printf("Precision 2: %.2f\n", value)
    fmt.Printf("Width 8, Precision 2: %8.2f\n", value)

You can also use Sprintf to format a string and return it for later use.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    name := "Alice"
    age := 25

    // Using Sprintf to format a string
    formattedString := fmt.Sprintf("Name: %s, Age: %d", name, age)
    // ...

Formatting with verbs

The Printf function family supports various verbs for formatting different types of values.

For example:

  • %s: String
  • %b: Binary
  • %c: Char
  • %d: Decimal (integer)
  • %f: Floating-point
  • %e: Float in scientific notation
  • %x: Hex encoding
  • %t: Boolean
  • %v: Default format
  • %T: Type of the value
package main

import "fmt"

type point struct {
    x, y int

func main() {
    p := point{5, 8}
    fmt.Printf("struct1: %v\n", p)
    fmt.Printf("struct2: %+v\n", p)
    fmt.Printf("struct3: %#v\n", p)

    fmt.Printf("type: %T\n", p)
    fmt.Printf("bool: %t\n", true)
    fmt.Printf("int: %d\n", 58)
    fmt.Printf("bin: %b\n", 58)
    fmt.Printf("char: %c\n", 72)
    fmt.Printf("hex: %x\n", 5858)

    fmt.Printf("float1: %f\n", 58.9)
    fmt.Printf("float2: %e\n", 158800000.0)
    fmt.Printf("float3: %E\n", 158800000.0)

    fmt.Printf("str1: %s\n", "\"abc\"")
    fmt.Printf("str2: %q\n", "\"abc\"")
    fmt.Printf("str3: %x\n", "hello")

    fmt.Printf("pointer: %p\n", &p)

    fmt.Printf("width1: |%6d|%6d|\n", 12, 586)
    fmt.Printf("width2: |%6.2f|%6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45)
    fmt.Printf("width3: |%-6.2f|%-6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45)
    fmt.Printf("width4: |%6s|%6s|\n", "lite", "r")
    fmt.Printf("width5: |%-6s|%-6s|\n", "lite", "rank")

Its output:

struct1: {5 8}
struct2: {x:5 y:8}
struct3: main.point{x:5, y:8}
type: main.point
bool: true
int: 58
bin: 111010
char: H
hex: 16e2
float1: 58.900000
float2: 1.588000e+08
float3: 1.588000E+08
str1: "abc"
str2: "\"abc\""
str3: 68656c6c6f
pointer: 0xc0000a4000
width1: |    12|   586|
width2: |  1.20|  3.45|
width3: |1.20  |3.45  |
width4: |  lite|     r|
width5: |lite  |rank  |

String Functions

Go provides a variety of functions for working with strings. Many of these functions are part of the standard library's strings package.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// len - String Length
	str3 := "Hello, Literank!"
	length := len(str3)
	fmt.Println("String Length:", length)

	// strings.Contains - Check Substring
	contains := strings.Contains(str3, "Golang")
	fmt.Println("Contains 'Golang':", contains)

	// strings.ToLower and strings.ToUpper - Change Case
	lower := strings.ToLower(str3)
	upper := strings.ToUpper(str3)
	fmt.Println("Lowercase:", lower)
	fmt.Println("Uppercase:", upper)

	// strings.Split - Split String
	str4 := "apple,orange,banana"
	parts := strings.Split(str4, ",")
	fmt.Println("Split String:", parts)

	// strings.Join - Join Strings
	joined := strings.Join(parts, ", ")
	fmt.Println("Joined String:", joined)

	// strings.Replace - Replace Substring
	replaced := strings.Replace(str3, "Literank", "World", -1)
	fmt.Println("Replaced String:", replaced)

	// strings.TrimSpace - Trim Spaces
	str5 := "   Hello, Golang!   "
	trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(str5)
	fmt.Println("Trimmed String:", trimmed)

Code Challenge

Write a Go function that checks whether a given string is a palindrome or not. A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward, ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization.

> code result goes here