» Quick Introduction to C » 1. Basics » 1.2 Primitives


Primitive types in C are shown in this table:

Category Types
Integer char, unsigned char, signed char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long
Floating-Point float, double, long double
Void void


int main() {
    int i = 0;
    char a[6] = {'H','e','l','l','o','\0'};
    char b[] = "Hello";
    char* c = "Hello";
    return 0;

Integer promotion

Integer promotion is a process in C that automatically converts "smaller" integer types to "larger" integer types in certain situations to avoid data loss during expressions or function calls. This promotion follows a set of rules defined by the C standard.

For example:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char charVar = 127;  // A signed char with maximum positive value
    int intVar = 1000;
    // The expression involving charVar will undergo integer promotion
    int result = charVar + intVar;

    printf("Result: %d\n", result);

    return 0;

Type Qualifiers

In C, type qualifiers are used to specify additional properties of variables.

int main() {
    // Should only be accessed from this pointer
    restrict int* a;

    // Its value should not be modified after initialization
    const int b;

    // Can only be modified by one thread at a time
    atomic int c;

    // The variable's value can be changed at any time by external 
    // factors not explicitly specified in the program
    volatile int d;
    return 0;

Storage Class specifiers

In addtion to the above qualifiers, C still has a bunch of storage class specifiers which define the storage duration of an object.

int main() {
    // The extern storage class is used to declare a variable that is defined in 
    // another source file or will be defined later in the program.
    extern int a;

    // The static storage class is used to make a variable retain its value between function calls. 
    // It is also used for file scope (global) variables, 
    // limiting their visibility to the file in which they are declared.
    static int b;

    // The register storage class suggests to the compiler that the 
    // variable should be stored in a register for quicker access.
    register int c;

    // The auto storage class is the default for local variables.
    // It is rarely used explicitly.
    auto int d;

    // _Thread_local indicates that a variable has thread storage duration
    _Thread_local int e;
    return 0;


typedef is used to add an additional name to an existing type.

#include <stdio.h>

typedef unsigned char byte;

int main() {
    byte b = 'a';
    return 0;

Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations in C are used to manipulate individual bits of variables. The bitwise operators include AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^), left shift (<<), and right shift (>>).

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Bitwise AND (&) example
    unsigned int x = 0b001;  // Binary representation of 1
    unsigned int y = 0b101;  // Binary representation of 5
    unsigned int result_and = x & y;

    printf("Bitwise AND: %u\n", result_and);  // Output: 1

    // Bitwise OR (|) example
    unsigned int result_or = x | y;

    printf("Bitwise OR: %u\n", result_or);  // Output: 5

    // Bitwise XOR (^) example
    unsigned int result_xor = x ^ y;

    printf("Bitwise XOR: %u\n", result_xor);  // Output: 4

    // Bitwise left shift (<<) example
    unsigned int result_left_shift = x << 2;

    printf("Bitwise Left Shift: %u\n", result_left_shift);  // Output: 4

    // Bitwise right shift (>>) example
    unsigned int result_right_shift = y >> 1;

    printf("Bitwise Right Shift: %u\n", result_right_shift);  // Output: 2

    return 0;

Compound Assignment

Compound assignments in C are shorthand notations that combine an arithmetic or bitwise operation with the assignment operation. The compound assignment operators include +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, <<=, and >>=.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int x = 58;
    x += 2;
    x /= 2;
    printf("x = %d\n", x);
    return 0;

Code Challenge

Write a C function named countSetBits that takes an unsigned integer as input and returns the count of set bits (1s) in its binary representation.

> code result goes here