» Python: Make Web Chat App with Socket.IO » 2. Development » 2.2 Contacts


Use a dict to store all the users in the memory.

You need to use databases for large-scale projects.

Update main.py:

@@ -3,7 +3,20 @@ import socketio
 sio = socketio.AsyncServer(async_mode='asgi', cors_allowed_origins='*')
 app = socketio.ASGIApp(sio)
+users = {}
 async def connect(sid, environ):
     print('A user connected:', sid)
+async def user_join(sid, user):
+    if 'name' not in user:
+        return
+    print(f"User {sid} => {user['emoji']} {user['name']} joined")
+    users[sid] = {**user, 'sid': sid}
+    print(list(users.items()))
+    # Broadcast to all connected clients
+    await sio.emit('contacts', list(users.items()))

sio.emit will broadcast the latest contact list to all the users.