» Make grep CLI App in Rust » 2. Development » 2.6 Build


To create a binary, use:

cargo build --release

If you want to customize the name, add [[bin]] section into Cargo.toml:

name = "grustep"
path = "src/main.rs"

It produces a file named grustep in your project's target/release directory.

To install the binary to the system's cargo bin directory, you can use this:

cargo install --path .

After installation, you can do this:

grustep -n result src/main.rs

You should be able to see something similar to this:

27: let result = if matches.is_present("recursive") {
33: match result {
34: Ok(result) => {
36: println!("{}", grep_count(&result));
38: print_result(&result, matches.is_present("line-number"))
47: fn print_result(result: &MatchResult, show_line_number: bool) {
49: let file_count = result.len();
51: for (file_path, items) in result {

At this point, you have a bunch of commands (run, test, lint and etc) to remember. Just add a Makefile to make it easier.


.PHONY: run test clean

	cargo run -- -rn result .

	cargo test

	cargo clippy

	cargo install --path .

	cargo build --release

	rm -rf target/

Then you can easily do these operations:

make run
make test
make build
make install