» Go: Build a REST API with Gin » 3. Deployment » 3.1 Standalone

Standalone Deployment

Add Makefile:

# Binary name

.PHONY: lint

	@echo "Linting..."
	golangci-lint run

	@echo "Building $(BINARY_NAME)..."
	go build -o $(BINARY_NAME)

	@echo "Building $(BINARY_NAME) for Linux..."
	GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o $(BINARY_NAME)

golangci-lint is a Go linters aggregator.

Run make build to build a binary:

make build

This is equivalent to go build -o lrbooks. It will create a binary file named lrbooks in your project folder.

Make sure you have the config.yml config file along with your bin file, and all yours databases are ready to serve.

Then, you can just run it as a standalone server:

export GIN_MODE=release


Send some requests with curl, you will see something like this in the server logs:

[GIN] 2024/02/27 - 17:43:52 | 200 |    8.251271ms | | GET      "/books/2/reviews?q=masterpiece"
[GIN] 2024/02/27 - 17:50:48 | 200 |    6.398599ms | | GET      "/books"

It works like a charm! ⭐️