» Node.js: Building Event-Driven Microservices with Kafka » 5. Deployment » 5.3 Summary


This project provides a comprehensive guide on building event-driven microservices using Apache Kafka and the Express web framework in Node.js.


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The event-driven microservices tutorial with Kafka and Express provides a comprehensive guide to building a modern, scalable application architecture. Starting with preparation and objectives, the tutorial progresses through the creation of a web service using Express, including designing a webpage layout, implementing data models, and integrating event-producing functionality with Kafka.

Subsequently, it explores the development of consumer services such as the Trend Service and Recommendation Service, each with their own design considerations, Express API servers, and event consumers to process Kafka events generated by the web service.

The tutorial concludes with deployment instructions, utilizing Docker and Docker Compose to containerize and orchestrate the microservices and Kafka infrastructure.

Overall, this tutorial equips readers with the knowledge and practical experience necessary to architect, develop, and deploy event-driven microservices using Kafka and Express, paving the way for the creation of robust and scalable applications.

Congratulations🎉! You've made a bunch of great microservices in Node.js now.

Complete code: https://github.com/Literank/lr_event_driven_node

Keep Going! Keep Learning!
